Saturday, August 4, 2007

We Got Travel Approval!!

On August 2, 2007 we got our travel approval!! I never thought it would come and here it is!! We can't make any firm plans yet, but tentatively are leaving on August 12th and should return sometime around September 1st. We are all sooo excited! Lawrence is out of town. He left on July 28th and won't return until August 10th and then we leave two days later!!

God has provided for this adoption the entire way through. When I wake up and feel anxious and worried about what we are doing I immediately have comfort knowing and seeing the hand of God working in our lives to bring this about over the past year.

Our journey for adoption really started 6 years ago when I met our friends David and Sharon Woody. David and Sharon had adopted Emma some time before we met them. When I found out what they had done I was overtaken with compassion and emotion and could hardly fight back the tears. Ever since that very day, I had hoped that one day we could do the very same thing!! Now, God has providentially taken care of us! I knew deep down we would never be able to afford to do such an endeavor, but God has provided for us all along this journey. From the day we decided to adopt Joshua, we did not have the funds nor did we know how we were to pay for this journey, but I knew in my heart that God would provide a way! After prayerfully considering Joshua and his special needs for a couple of weeks, we decided to go ahead. When we decided to go forward with the adoption, we found out the next day before we had sent in any money or contracts that someone was giving an incredible and awesome gift for our son's adoption. We were almost too late. We then fell into a pool of an enormous amount of people who wanted to suddenly adopt Joshua!! However, we were picked to be his family about a week later and received a sizable grant for his adoption. We then just had to figure out a way to pay for the other half!!

Again, God has been with us and provided for us through this entire year and has made it possible for this to happen! I wanted to thank all of our friends and family for their help and support over the past year in our endeavor to adopt Joshua. So many of you have done so many kind things and said encouraging words to us!!

We feel very fortunate to be the family blest with Joshua!


tandvvela said...

Janice, thank you so much for including me in your wonderful news! I'm so very happy for you! After the long wait, you will finally be able to bring Joshua home. The Lord has truly blessed you in so many ways. We love you dearly,

JGarrett said...

I didn't know I would cry when I read your blog...that is truly one of my favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman. And, your love will take precious Joshua in and give him a life he never dreamed of! You are an amazing bunch of people who have touched the lives of so many. We love and miss you lots.