Shadow, Durell's friend eating lunch with us and Zack's family.
Zack's mom, Penwin and dad Shouwa. Joshua loves Shouwa.

Ok - Today was Great!! We started out going to a great Western/Chinese breakfast buffet at the Hotel. Then Lawrence met with Shadow for the Chinese church @ 9:30. Shadow took the Subway 2 hours one way to come and be with us. Then we met with the Chinese/English church service at 11:00. It was very interesting to say the least! Then we got back to the Hotel and Zack's family was there. His mom and dad and Aunt and Uncle. They are all such lovely people. His mom and dad took us to a traditional Chinese restaurant and we were well fed. We had a whole room to ourself. We ate shrimp - they are served whole - head and all! We ate chicken - also served whole - head and all!! You should have seen Joshua's face when he saw the chicken head! It was hilarious!! We had mooncake, jellyfish, almonds, broccoli, flounder (also whole), rice noodles, wheat noodles, two kinds of pork, chinese dumplings, tofu(bean curd) and some kind of boiled salad. Everything I tried was good. Then we walked all around Shamin Island and did some shopping with his family! It was good, but they informed us that all the shops around here charge too much!! Then, they wanted to take us to dinner. So, we went to McDonald's for dinner. We had a great time. Zack's Uncle H.L. works in Hong Kong and speaks very good English and he was able to translate for us very well. We had a wonderful day.
We wanted to spend more alone time with Shadow, but did not have opportunity for that today. Possibly tomorrow or the next day we will have more time. She has lots of questions. She is an English teacher and speaks English very well! She went to lunch with us, but had to return home soon after lunch.
Now it is evening and we are going to have our own worship service here in the room before we go to bed. Just wanted to give you all a quick update! Tomorrow we find out about all of our paperwork. If we don't get a phone call between 10:30 a.m. and noon then all paperwork is done and complete. We had a wonderful day spending it with friends. Zack's family rode the train all night 10 hours to come and see us today! How special we feel that they would make such a sacrifice to come and visit with us!! God is so good to us in so many ways!
We leave here on Wednesday and go to Beijing and then Thursday - HOME!! YEAH!! I hope you all have a great week. We love you all and can't wait to see everyone soon!
Love, Janice
Hurray!! You all got to see Zack's family!!! This is wonderful news:)Sounds like they returned the hospitality you showed their son and nephew:) Glad to hear all is going well.We love looking at all the pictures you've taken!!One thing we are wondering is, is it cooler in China than it is here? (Here it is in the 100s)We're looking forward to seeing you all,and we hope you have a good remainder of your stay in China!!!
love from Tim,Kim,Tabi & Gabe
We're so glad to hear that you all are having such a good time and were able to visit with friends. We are all looking forward to your return. I hope you have a great time in Beijing.
Aaron & Beck
Thanks for letting us take this trip with you. We look forward to the blogs and check them constantly. We feel like we have gotten to know and love Joshua already. Have I missed it, does he have a middle name yet. I know Lawrence wanted one with gravitas, how about Joshua Burch Kelley? Hmm, sound inspiring! We love and miss you, Marla
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