The photo on the left is at the hotel after an exhausting day of paperwork, crazy cab drivers and meeting his parents for the first time!!

I want today to be forever ingrained in my memory. We all did not sleep well last night and are still suffering from major jet lag. We are hoping to stay awake until about 9:00 p.m. so we can get on the right schedule. We got up early and ate breakfast in the hotel. That is always interesting. We met Emma, our guide, at 9:00 a.m. in the lobby to go to the Notorial Interview. Since there were so many of us and the cabs are so small we had to take two cabs everywhere we went! The streets here are so busy and the taxi drivers are crazy. I am not sure I can count all the close calls we had today and there are no seatbelts! You don't realize how much you appreciate those until you don't have them.
We went through all the paperwork at the notorial interview, met Joshua, went to take passport photos and a family photo and then back to the hotel! It was about 11:30 when we got back and about 1:00 when Joshua finally just crashed in my arms. He was soooo tired!
Our initial visit with him in the notorial office went extremely well. We were going over paperwork with the officer and all of a sudden we looked up and there was a man standing in the door with Joshua!! We were not expecting it yet and were completely surprised. He was a little hesistant to come to us at first, but really took to Lawrence right off the bat! We were so happy to finally see him. After a few minutes of receiving several toys from us (including a stuffed mickey mouse that he will not let go of) he came to me. He had to go to the bathroom two times while we were there at the first visit so we are wondering if there are issues there or not. We also noticed later after getting back to the hotel and giving him a bath that he has something wrong with his feet. He walks fine except maybe a little clumsy and we think it has something to do with his feel. They are not shaped exactly right or something. He may need surgery or braces to correct the problem! I hope it is not too late to correct it! He does have an extremely large scar on his back that goes between his hip bones and it runs horizontal across his back.
We all went to eat a late lunch and early dinner at Pizza Hut around 3:00 p.m. He loves pizza. He apparently loves food period!! He has eaten everything we have given him and more!! He is really chubby!! I am not sure, but I am guessing he weighs about 35 lbs. He seems to understand us more than what I thought he would. He can tell us by gestures when he needs to go to the bathroom. This is really important!!
As we drove from place to place and have walked the streets of Changchun, I become deeply saddened by the way of life of so many people and I realize that I will never really understand or experience what poverty is. I have been brought to tears many times over the past two days as we walk these streets. We have seen blind people walking with sticks, old people barely able to peddle their bikes up a hill, people living in a tent on the sidewalk and poverty striken people just trying to sell something to be able to eat. The conditions in which most of these people live are unbelievable to say the least.
I hope my thoughts are clear enough for you to understand! I still feel like I am in a fog! I will update again tomorrow. I can't believe how smooth this has gone and can almost feel that we have been lifted up in prayer by so many! Thank you for those prayers. They are working!!
Wow! Thank you for sharing these memories with us. We are so excited for you all and for Joshua! He is precious and we can't wait to meet him! We are so glad you finally have him to hold.
We love you!
Aaron & Becky
Tears are not good for my keyboard.
I may need to have it checked. What do I tell the repairman? Tears of joy hit the keys...
I have three children peering over my shoulders.....they are so excited to see and read that you have Joshua! They all say hello! We continue to pray and we love you!
The Deels
This is so much fun to read! I'm so excited for you all. And he's so stinkin' cute!!! haha
He is so cute! All four of us are reading this and just filled with joy. Isn't it the most awesome feeling? Reading what you wrote brings back sweet memories for us. We just knew that it would go smooth with Joshua, he was so ready for his forever family! God has blessed you (and all of us who will soon meet Joshua) so much. David, Sharon, Emma and Katie. PS, we think it's cool that your guide is named Emma.
God is so good! Thank you for taking the time to let us share in your joy! We can't wait to get our hands on him.
Love, Marla
We are so grateful that you guys are able to share these memories with us.I was crying so much just looking at the pictures of you guy's with him, so I can only imagine how emotional all of you were. We are so happy for you and are looking forward to getting to see you and meet the newest member of the Kelley family. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you finish your journey. We love you all!!
The Arbuckles
We are so happy for you all that we are ready to cry:) We can't wait to meet Joshua.You are still all in our prayers every day:)
love from the Waggoners
I thought that was Lawrence singing...
hahaha git bak to Kaintucky soon whicher son!
THANKS so much for letting us be apart of your journey, I'm with pat, it brought me to tears! I'm so glad you are all finally together. It seems as though joshua knew he was suppose to be with you. love you all!
I am sitting here at my computer with chills and tears of joy for all of you. May God continue to watch over you each day. Tyler wanted to know if you were going to get a "China Boy like Max." He will be happy to have another friend like Max. We love you.
Tim, Jennifer,Hallie, and Tyler
We've been praying for you all, and are so excited to meet Joshua! He is soooo cute. Thanks for making this blog...we're so happy for all of you to finally be together!
Scott, Cara, Reese & Reagan
For some reason your words appear blurry! Surely, reading through misty eyes has nothing to do with that! It is our prayer that God will continue to bless the remaining days of your visit in China and your return trip with love, joy and safety. We can hardly wait to have all of you back.
It sounds like everything is going so well for y'all, despite the fact that you are all so completely exhausted! I'll continue to pray that things go smoothly, and also for your safety on the streets! We take so many things for granted each and every day, don't we?
Take care all! We love you and wish you continued blessings! Love, The Velas
Hey this is John. We are so excited that you now have little Joshua. We have been praying for you and your safe return. What a blessing - God IS GOOD. Hurry back - we love you!
Joshua is just adorable! I know how you are feeling, as we were just there in Changchung, a month ago receiving our daughter, McKenna. Enjoy your time there with your son. It goes by so fast and before you know it you will all be home. These children are such blessings to their families. God Bless, Kelli - Omaha - proud mama 6, - 3 Chinese Princesses
Thanks you for sharing all of these moments with us all. I am so happy for you. Joshua is truly blessed to have a new family and I know the Lord is blessing you too. Look forward to seeing him in person. Love you. Sheryl
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