Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Packing, medicines & Document Gathering

Well, yesterday I rounded up enough suitcases for us all to be able to carryon our clothes. I am thankful to those who have allowed us to borrow these small suitcases. We only had one carry on size. I was hoping to only check two bags, but it looks like it may be three?? I already have the kids working on their suitcases and backpacks.

Today I will be working on getting all of our documents in order before we leave and picking up medications that we will want to take with us. I hope we don't need any medications, but chances are out of 6 of us someone will need something!

The paperwork in adoption is overwhelming to say the least! I thought once we got all of our paperwork off to china the bulf was done, but I was wrong yet again!! There is a pretty long list of documents that we must prepare and take with us. So, if I get all of these things accomplished today I will be a very happy camper.

I would love for Lawrence to come home on Friday and have everything taken care of except for his packing! Since he has been gone two weeks it would be nice to just have a relaxing evening!!

TTFN, Janice


Karen said...

Good Luck! Have fun keeping up with 6 people in the airport! Thankfully your kids are old enough to be a help!

Love from The Stover's!

Becky said...

We are so excited for you all! Our thoughts and prayers will be with you during and after your journey to get Joshua. God has big things in store for you!

We love you!
Aaron and Becky

Patsy Simmons said...

Jill shared your story with us. Our prayers are with you. We just experienced interstate adoption with Jeff & Kelli and thought that was something -- can't even imagine what you are going through! I know God has great blessings in store for you.

Patsy Simmons