Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Although greatly disappointed about not seeing the Great Wall, that was not our purpose of this trip. We have done what we came to do and anything else is just like icing on the cake! We are coming back with the biggest treasure there is! We are all so ready to be home and cannot wait until we touchdown on US soil!
We are going to go to bed early tonight and rest up for our long trip home. I think it should be about 20 hours total. Last time it was about 26 hours. This time we don't have a 5 hour layover and that helps a lot! This is definitely our last post until we arrive home. We look forward to seeing you all. Hopefully jet lag won't be too bad! Can't wait to see everyone! Have a great day!
The Kelley's - Lawrence, Janice, Chase, Olivia, William & Joshua
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Last Day In Guangzhou!

Joshua and Josiah on the red couch.

Joshua in his outfit for the oath ceremony.

Tomorrow morning we leave for Beijing very early. We arrive in Beijing at 11:30 a.m. and hopefully will get to go and see the Great Wall in the afternoon after we check into our hotel. We will be there one night and return home the next afternoon. We are soooo looking forward to coming home.
We had a great day today. The four families in our group went and had the "red couch" photo made today at the White Swan hotel. This is a tradition for adoptive families. We also went to the swearing ceremony today where we had to swear that all information we have given is true and accurate and that we will never leave or abandon this child. That was an honor and pleasure to swear to.
When we touch ground in the US Joshua will become a US citizen. I thought it was today, but it will be Thursday, August 30th! We are so excited and can't wait for that moment. We will fly past the statue of Liberty and then land in Newark NJ and fly home to Nashville about two hours later. We cannot wait! We are all already putting requests for our favorite food items. I personally am so excited to go and use my massage gift card which Lawrence gave me for Valentines Day! I am glad I waited!!
We are also anxious to check on all of our pets! We have adjusted to having four children already! We already love it! Olivia and I are already hoping to come back and rescue a little girl! And yes, rescue is the right word! Every child deserves to have a home and a family that loves them. I felt like this would be the same as delivering a child in that you soon forget about all the pain and trouble of being pregnant and just think about the wonderful blessing of a child. I hope that anyone considering adoption will know and understand that this is an incredible gift from God for both parties. Love abounds in all of our hearts for our new son who is already bringing so much joy to our hearts.
This could be our last post until we get home. I am not sure what kind of internet options we will have at the hotel in Beijing, but if this is our last post we will see you in the US - God willing!
We look forward to seeing you on US Soil!! Two more nights in China than my own bed!
May God bless you all richly with His love and mercy. We love you all and have learned much while we have been gone. We are truly blessed beyond measure and most Americans have no idea how much! May the God of peace be with you.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Middle Name
Joshua Paul Huasuo Kelley
His middle name is taken from Lawrence's middle name Paul.
Let me also tell you all a little more about his personality. He is very active!! He is always trying to get into something he shouldn't. He hides things in his pockets. Anything from food to toys to pieces of paper. He gets very attached to anything you give him. So far he has been attached to a jar of peanut butter, a package of Ramen type noodles, a box of saltines, a bottle of orange juice and a can of pringles potato chips. He has to carry these items (one at a time luckily) where ever we go!! He loves to play anytime!! He loves to laugh and has the sweetest sounding giggle ever! He loves to ride in the stroller and the taxi. He has started to give us all really good hugs.about 3 days after we got him. Before he would just kind of lay on you and feel like a blob! He will give kisses when you ask or just out of the blue now. We have already had to discipline him several times due to direct defiance. It really hurts his feelings and then he gets mad at you and won't look at you, but will make up with you in a couple of minutes. He is a very loving child. He loves to be held. He loves to go all the time. He will fit in really well with our family! God knows what he is doing!
Well, better go eat breakfast! Have a great day!
Love, Janice
Sunday in Guangzhou

Shadow, Durell's friend eating lunch with us and Zack's family.
Zack's mom, Penwin and dad Shouwa. Joshua loves Shouwa.

Ok - Today was Great!! We started out going to a great Western/Chinese breakfast buffet at the Hotel. Then Lawrence met with Shadow for the Chinese church @ 9:30. Shadow took the Subway 2 hours one way to come and be with us. Then we met with the Chinese/English church service at 11:00. It was very interesting to say the least! Then we got back to the Hotel and Zack's family was there. His mom and dad and Aunt and Uncle. They are all such lovely people. His mom and dad took us to a traditional Chinese restaurant and we were well fed. We had a whole room to ourself. We ate shrimp - they are served whole - head and all! We ate chicken - also served whole - head and all!! You should have seen Joshua's face when he saw the chicken head! It was hilarious!! We had mooncake, jellyfish, almonds, broccoli, flounder (also whole), rice noodles, wheat noodles, two kinds of pork, chinese dumplings, tofu(bean curd) and some kind of boiled salad. Everything I tried was good. Then we walked all around Shamin Island and did some shopping with his family! It was good, but they informed us that all the shops around here charge too much!! Then, they wanted to take us to dinner. So, we went to McDonald's for dinner. We had a great time. Zack's Uncle H.L. works in Hong Kong and speaks very good English and he was able to translate for us very well. We had a wonderful day.
We wanted to spend more alone time with Shadow, but did not have opportunity for that today. Possibly tomorrow or the next day we will have more time. She has lots of questions. She is an English teacher and speaks English very well! She went to lunch with us, but had to return home soon after lunch.
Now it is evening and we are going to have our own worship service here in the room before we go to bed. Just wanted to give you all a quick update! Tomorrow we find out about all of our paperwork. If we don't get a phone call between 10:30 a.m. and noon then all paperwork is done and complete. We had a wonderful day spending it with friends. Zack's family rode the train all night 10 hours to come and see us today! How special we feel that they would make such a sacrifice to come and visit with us!! God is so good to us in so many ways!
We leave here on Wednesday and go to Beijing and then Thursday - HOME!! YEAH!! I hope you all have a great week. We love you all and can't wait to see everyone soon!
Love, Janice
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Guangzhou - Yeah!!
Joshua slept until 8:00 am.! WE could not believe it! He had only gotten about a 45 minute nap that day. We had to leave this morning and go to the medical exam at 9:00 a.m. Then at 10:30, we filled out all the paperwork for the American Consulate. WE went to eat lunch at a restaurant called Lucy's. It was pretty close to American food! They did french fries really well. Joshua ate an entire basket and he loved the ketchup with them. He is a big eater. After lunch Olivia and I went shopping. We bought Joshua two traditional Chinese outfits. One was black with red and the other was red with black. One was short sleeve and one was long sleeve. We tried them on him and he did not want to take them off!! We will take photos tomorrow and post them. He looks so cute in them! They are only about $10!! We also bought some souveniors for friends and family. We had noodles in the room for dinner! We can eat those for about $3.00 for the whole family!! We may never have noodles again after we leave China!!
This hotel is called the Victory Hotel. It is very nice. We have two double beds and two kids on the floor with air matresses. We now make Joshua sleep on the floor because he is constantly falling off the bed all night! He is a violent sleeper! One night he fell off the bed at least 10 times! The beds at this hotel are soft! It was so pleasant to be able to sleep in a comfortable bed. Most families stay at the White Swan, but everyone in our group (4 families) did not want to spend that much money on Hotel!
Tomorrow morning we will go to church with a friend of Durell's. After church Zack's mom and dad will meet us at the hotel and maybe eat lunch with us. They are taking an all night train trip to be able to come and see us while we are here. Zack's mother's sister lives here in Guangzhou. We are happy to be able to see them again. I can't believe they will go to so much trouble to see us while we are here, but we look forward to spending some time with them. Hopefully we will have lunch with them and with Durell's friend.
I will try to post some photos tomorrow We did not take that many today! I hope you all are doing well! We look forward to coming home!! THanks fo all of your comments on our blog! Most of all thank you for your prayers and support. We look forward to coming home to Bowling Green and worshipping with our spiritual family. Praise be to God for His people everywhere who shine their lights where they are and do what they can to be an example for others!
Love, Janice
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday in Changchun - Our Last Day here!
We just got through bowling - yes again!! I have really improved and so has everyone else!! I bowled a 140! Olivia was 41, William 39, Chase 95 and Dad 168. We played some games in the room and finally found a show on HBO we could watch (some spongebob movie).
In case you have been watching the news and seeing the airline crashes in China - we were not on either of those planes. However we will be flying Air China again this next week when we go back to Beijing before coming home. Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 6:00 a.m and fly to Guangzhou. We should arrive there around 2:00 p.m. We should get Joshua's passport today. That is what we have been waiting on here in Changchun.
Saturday, Joshua will get a basic physical from a doctor. It is called his polyclinic appointment. Sunday is a day of rest. Monday we have our US Embassy and immigrant Visa Exit Interview. Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. we have an Oath Ceremony where he becomes a US Citizen and gets his Visa. Wednesday we fly to Beijing. We get there about 11:30 a.m. and hope to see the Great Wall Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning we will walk to the Forbidden City and Tienamen Square from the Hotel and leave for home that afternoon at 3:45. We will be home next Thursday -one week from today. Our plane lands around 9:00 p.m. and we hope to be home around 11:00 p.m. that night. Hopefully we will be able to sleep! It seems like it would only be a short plane ride, but you have to remember there is a 13 hour time difference. So it will feel like 4:45 a.m. when we arrive home!!
I don't have any photos today. We have just been lazy!! We will walk down to Wal Mart later and stock up before we go to the next city!! It has been really nice to have one here! The banana bread and Oreos were a real hit in the room! We also had Ramen type noodles everyday for lunch! We will eat dinner at KFC tonight. Our entire family can eat at KFC for about 15$ and McDonalds for about $10. Pizza Hut is a little more expensive about $20, but well worth it!! We have been very fortunate to stay in this hotel. It was really nice. This room has two rooms a bedroom and a living area and a bath and a half. It was extremely cheap for such a nice hotel - only about $74 a night. The only problem we have had is that the beds were extremely hard. It will be so nice to be able to sleep in a nice soft bed!!
I have figured out how to read comments in English! Thanks for all the comments! They are very encouraging to us! I hope we will have internet access at our next hotel so we can check email and post some more.
Our guide just stopped by and gave us Joshua's passport! Yeah!! On to Guangzhou tomorrow!
Thanks for your constant prayers. I can really tell that there are many prayers being offered on our behalf. Joshua has been doing really well and adjusting great! He has been a joy and a blessing to us already!
As I have walked the streets of this extremely populated city, I can see the sadness in so many faces of the people here. I know it is from the absence of God in the lives of so many here. It is really kind of eerie not to see any signs of religion anywhere here. We don't realize how fortuate we are to live in a free country! Praise God!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Nanhu Park

Entrance to Nanhu Park

Joshua on Dad's shoulders

We had a great day yesterday - 8/21/2007. We got up in the early morning hours (6:00 a.m. to be exact) and realized that the day was going to be beautiful. A cool front came through and there was sunshine all day. All the smog and pollution was blown away and there was a nice cool breeze. We ate breakfast, talked on Skype for a while and took a taxi to Nanhu Park.
Nanhu Park is where Joshua was abandoned on 8/24/04. He was 5 months old at the time. The park is really a neat place. It is about 300 acres and has gardens, carnival type rides, boat rentals, food to purchase and bike rentals. We rented a 6 person bike. It had two bench seats and three people sit on each bench. Four people peddle while the other two (me and Joshua) get to ride. We rented it for about an hour and had a great time. We walked around the park for a while and took photos of where we thought she might have left him. All the paperwork said was the southwest corner of the park so we just took photos of the park for him. It was really a very sad time. As we walked through the parkI realized that it was almost exactly 3 years to the day when he was abandoned. I wondered as we walked if his mother ever comes back to the park and what she must have been thinking when she left her baby at this extremely busy place. I wondered if she hid behind some bushes as Miriam did when Moses was left to make sure he was found. Whatever the case, she left him somewhere that she new he would be found. I believe with all my heart that she wanted to give him more than she could.
We got back to the hotel and ate noodles for lunch in the room. While Joshua napped, Chase, William & Lawrence went to bowl (yes again)! We played some games in the room and went to dinner at McDonalds. After dinner we went to Wal Mart again!! This time we found some oreos and bannana bread! The banana bread was baked in the bakery and was only $.50! We will go back tonight for more of that! It is great for breakfast.
Site of the Day:
As we walked to McDonalds we saw a man begging on the sidewalk. He had no hands and no feet. They were just like limbs that ended abrubtly and I can't see anyway that the man could walk. It was so sad! I could hardly eat my meal without feeling terrible!
Miscellaneous thoughts:
1. Anyone want to lose weight - come to China and adopt a baby!! I think I have lost 10 pounds already!!
- As I type this the boys are teaching Joshua to play baseball with an empty one liter bottle and an inflatable ball.
- In case you have left comments on here, I can't read them! I am sorry! I am hoping to try to correct the problem, but it won't bring up my blog and when it does it comes up in Chinese!! Keep commenting though! I hope to read them when I correct the problem!
- Thanks to all of you who have visited with us on Skype! That has been great!
- Thanks for your prayers! We only have one more day here and on to Guangzhou on Friday!
- Joshua is a pack rat! He puts all of his things in Wal Mart bags or any kind of bag he can find and carries it with him everywhere.
- He loves his jar of peanut butter and he says it sooo cute. I wish you could all hear him.
Love, The Kelley Family
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday and Monday in Changchun - 8/19 & 8/20

Lawrence talking with David (the English teacher) at the Park.

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Saturday in Changchun

Fresh and clean after a bath!

Saturday morning we spent a lot of time on Skype talking with friends and family. It has been really nice to have that option!! We did a little school with the kids. Went to eat lunch at McDonalds. We came back to the hotel for another round of bowling and we brought our guide with us. She did not want to bowl though. She just watched. We stayed up later last night and feel like we are finally about to get on schedule.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Saying Goodbye
His affection for Lawrence is really great! He wants him to hold him a lot and always wants his attention. He spontaeously gave him a kiss on the check twice today. He also gave Olivia a kiss on the check. He is doing so well. He already knows a few English words and it has only been 1 1/2 days! He can say hello, bye bye, and no. The last one is very important. When he gets really tired he gets extremely hyper and agressive. So we need him to understand the word no! When he gets like that we hold him close and rock him either standing or sitting and he goes right to sleep.
He slept all night last night in the bed with Chase. I found him at around 1:00 a.m. standing on the floor with half of his body on the bed and he was still asleep!! It was funny! He has woken (not sure that is a word) up from every nap or night time and been very sweet. He wakes up very pleasant.
Today we spent the morning in the hotel room eating, playing with Joshua, and relaxing. It has been a very dreary day. It is cloudy and rainy. We went to eat lunch at KFC. As we were arriving there we saw a woman sitting on a square board with wheels on the bottom and pushing herself along the filthy ground with her hands. As she passed we noticed that her legs were not quite right and she had two club feet. It was an extremely sad sight.
After we ate at KFC, we went to Wal-Mart (our daily excursion) to get bigger pullups for Joshua, some light up spider man tennis shoes for Joshua and some more peanut butter and jelly for us to have some sandwiches in the room.
We got back to the hotel to find out we had to go and apply for Joshua's passport at 1:20. I did not know that the man (his caregiver from the orphanage) would be there. Joshua was happy to see him and gave him a kiss on the check. We did what we had to do there and he came back with us to the hotel to receive the donations for the orphanage. We were told we could not visit the orphanage due to some road construction, so he came to get them here. We helped him get them all down to the taxi and it came time for Joshua to say goodbye to him. I am not sure if he realized this would be the last time he would see him or not. He told him goodbye, kissed him on the check and hugged him . He watched him with longing eyes and waved goodbye. He kept his eyes on him as long as he could. I was just about to break into a cry, but I managed to hold it together for his sake.
We got back to the room and he played for a while and is taking a nap right now. Everyone else is getting stir crazy and has gone to the fitness center for some exercise. We were told today that we must stay here until next Friday, but there is nothing left here for us to do until Thursday and that is when we get his passport. Please pray that the time will pass by fast for us. There is not much to do here. You can only walk the streets so much. EVERYONE stares at us everywhere we go. We just thought it was bad before we got Joshua!!
I found out today that Joshua was found in a park. I hope to go and visit the park with him and take some photos of the park if it is not too far from here. As I look into the eyes of the many Chinese women here I can't help but wonder if one of them could be his mother. I would love to be able to tell her that we already love him so much and will take care of his medical needs so that he can live a healthy and happy life. And much more important than that, we will teach him how to live eternally and bring glory to God something which she may never get the chance to know or understand herself.
I hope all of you are doing well and know that we long to be home already!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Where to Begin???

The photo on the left is at the hotel after an exhausting day of paperwork, crazy cab drivers and meeting his parents for the first time!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Finally in Changchun!!!
We had the breakfast buffet here at the hotel this morning and the food was good. Our guide, Emma then took us to Wal Mart where we bought some food items, drinks and a stroller for Joshua. Crossing the streets can be very dangerous here!!
We thought we would receive Joshua today, but we will have to wait until tomorrow. We will go to the Civil Affairs office and get the paperwork started. It should be interesting. All 6 of us will have to get two taxi's to get there. The cars here are much smaller.
God has been good to us to bring us to this point. I am so glad that we are finally here. We are disappointed about not seeing and receiving Joshua today, but maybe the extra day of rest will do us all good.
More to come later, I am really tired and need to rest for a while. We are trying to get on schedule. Thanks to all of you for your prayers.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Last Post from American Soil

It is Sunday afternoon. We have all bags packed! All the kids have a backpack full of stuff to keep them busy for the 26 hour trip! Lawrence will carry on the laptop bag with all the important papers and laptop and I will carry the BIG purse full of all kinds of necessities!!HA! You should see inside it!! We have 4 bags to check in - all under 50 lbs - hopefully! Two of which are donations to the orphanage! ( Thanks to all of you who helped with that!) We also have 5 carry on suitcases! I am not sure how we are going to get all these to where they need to go, but I am sure it will happen somehow!! I just hope I don't misplace a child somewhere along the way - those are irreplaceable!!
After services tonight, we will go to the LaQuinta and spend the night. They will shuttle us to the airport at 5:00 a.m. and allow us to leave our vehicle at the hotel while we are away. It leaves us with peace of mind about not missing our flight and no cost for leaving our car at the airport!! When we get back the hotel will come and pick us up and take us to our car.
The most recent great thing that we found out yesterday is Skype! What a neat thing! Anyone who downloads skype onto their computer can call any other skype member for free on their computer. The download is free - just go to All you need is a microphone! These are the people we can call using skype that we know of - Yvette (my neighbor), my mom and dad, Lawrence's mom and dad, Donna (one of my sisters and Zack (our exchange student from last year). We have a web cam and so anyone we call can see the actual image of Joshua or whoever the camera is on!! That is sooooo neat!! Technology is amazing!! If any of you should decide to get Skype on your computer in the next week or so add us to your contacts. Our Skype name is janice.marie.kelley or you can search for us by our email address -
Please pray for us, especially our health, safe journey and Joshua's transition.
We will post again after we get to China!! TTFN, Janice
Friday, August 10, 2007
4 days until Joshua is with us!
We will go to Nashville on Sunday night after evening services to spend the night there. We don't want to take any chances on the ever so common hour long traffic problems that can occur. We will be able to leave our vehicle at the hotel and they will shuttle us to the airport. We have to be there so early due to our flight being at 6:30. I will be so happy to step foot on the first flight!!
Lawrence comes home today! We are so excited to have him come home! I can't wait until he gets back! Two weeks is a long time! I hope we never do that again!(I say that every time he's gone more than a week - so does he!)
I know this will be an extremely long and tiring journey. I am going to reiterate to myself and the children that we are christians and we must at all time display the kind of behavior that God would have us to. Gal. 5:22 "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." I hope that we can remember these through long lines, tired bodies, stressful deadlines and new toddler!
Have a great day and remember to praise God for all he has done!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
"the God of peace will be with you"
This is one of my favorite passages. It tells us how to have peace, what to think about, and encourages us to persevere.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you hvelearned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace will be with you. But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revivied your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in anyand every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Too many details!!

Yes, what you are seeing is 5 passports, I don't even know how many airline tickets and our invitation by the Chinese government to come and receive our son!
This morning I woke up feeling like Martha, but tonight I hope to go to bed and be more like Mary. I woke up worried about many things and details for our trip, instead of just trusting in the Lord to see us through this. He brought us to this event in our life and has seen us through every part of this trek thus far, so why would I think He would let us down now? God is so good!
I was overwhelmed at our evening bible studies tonight with the goodness of God's people. So many are praying for us, encouraging us and supporting us in so many ways. I really feel as if everyone in our lives has contributed in some way to help us bring Joshua home! He is already part of our spiritual family and he doesn't even know it yet!
I must say also, that I have the absolute best husband in world. He has been away now for almost two weeks and the kids and I have missed him terribly!! He does so many things for which we take granted! He knows just what to do and say to help me when I need it! I must be the luckiest woman anywhere! He's the one that has helped me to be able to pillow my head tonight as Mary instead of Martha.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Packing, medicines & Document Gathering
Today I will be working on getting all of our documents in order before we leave and picking up medications that we will want to take with us. I hope we don't need any medications, but chances are out of 6 of us someone will need something!
The paperwork in adoption is overwhelming to say the least! I thought once we got all of our paperwork off to china the bulf was done, but I was wrong yet again!! There is a pretty long list of documents that we must prepare and take with us. So, if I get all of these things accomplished today I will be a very happy camper.
I would love for Lawrence to come home on Friday and have everything taken care of except for his packing! Since he has been gone two weeks it would be nice to just have a relaxing evening!!
TTFN, Janice
Monday, August 6, 2007
Travel is upon us!!
CO=Continental Airline, CA=Air China
1*CO2745 13AUG MO Nashville/Newark 630A 954A
2 CO 89 13AUG MO Newark/Beijing 1210P 145P#1day(arrive in Beijing on Aug 14)
3 CA1647 14AUG TU Beijing/Changchun 655P 835P
4 CA1310 29AUG WE Guangzhou/Beijing 835A 1130A
5 CO 88 30AUG TH Beijing/Newark 345P 530P
6*CO3037 30AUG TH Newark/Nashville 720P 910P
I felt really sick to my stomach all day just trying to get this taken care of, but I am so glad to have it done!! This is a major hurdle!! I also decided to try and only check two suitcases in and take carry-ons and backpacks on the plane. I hope that this will ease my mind about the possibility of losing suitcases. We are only going to take 4 outfits and have laundry done while we are in China. We are going to be gone 17 days! So, each outfit must be worn 4 times! (Hmmmmm . . . Maybe I'm having second thoughts!)
Even though some of this is extremely stressful, I know that God has a plan for Joshua and it includes our family! So, I have much peace even through the stress of getting all the details taken care of (that is when I take the time to slow down)! Praise God he has worked it all out for us!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
We Got Travel Approval!!
God has provided for this adoption the entire way through. When I wake up and feel anxious and worried about what we are doing I immediately have comfort knowing and seeing the hand of God working in our lives to bring this about over the past year.
Our journey for adoption really started 6 years ago when I met our friends David and Sharon Woody. David and Sharon had adopted Emma some time before we met them. When I found out what they had done I was overtaken with compassion and emotion and could hardly fight back the tears. Ever since that very day, I had hoped that one day we could do the very same thing!! Now, God has providentially taken care of us! I knew deep down we would never be able to afford to do such an endeavor, but God has provided for us all along this journey. From the day we decided to adopt Joshua, we did not have the funds nor did we know how we were to pay for this journey, but I knew in my heart that God would provide a way! After prayerfully considering Joshua and his special needs for a couple of weeks, we decided to go ahead. When we decided to go forward with the adoption, we found out the next day before we had sent in any money or contracts that someone was giving an incredible and awesome gift for our son's adoption. We were almost too late. We then fell into a pool of an enormous amount of people who wanted to suddenly adopt Joshua!! However, we were picked to be his family about a week later and received a sizable grant for his adoption. We then just had to figure out a way to pay for the other half!!
Again, God has been with us and provided for us through this entire year and has made it possible for this to happen! I wanted to thank all of our friends and family for their help and support over the past year in our endeavor to adopt Joshua. So many of you have done so many kind things and said encouraging words to us!!
We feel very fortunate to be the family blest with Joshua!