Tuesday, November 27, 2007
We had a wonderful day and are extremely thankful for all the blessings that we have received from God's hands this past year.
To the right you can see the shirt Olivia just had to buy for Joshua. It says "I don't need mistletoe". If you know Joshua, you know it is true. He is extremely loving and sweet. He loves to hug and kiss people. It is very rare for him to have a bad day!
He is beginning to say many more new things. This week in particular he has become very inquisitive. He will say "what this?" and point to several things. He can count to three. He has learned the color yellow and red this week. He is able to distinguish between them when he is not joking around!! He loves to tease people and he loves to be teased! He has a great personality!! He has also decided that he likes coke and gum! He wants coke to drink all the time (that doesn't mean he gets it) and he sneaks gum out of my purse when he knows he can get away with it!
We have begun to work on pronunciation of the words he does know. We know what he is saying, but no one else does! He has a hard time with s, sh, ch, r, l. He mainly says the beginnings of words and the endings are either left off or are nonsensical. I have been amazed at how well he understands what we are saying. Now, we just need to work on the obeying part without a fit or tears. You have to love a 3 year old!
He has started to pretend. He has gotten all my pots and pans out and pretended to cook and serve dinner. He has pretended to die with the other kids several times. He thinks it is really funny when he comes back to life! He has also pretended to be a baby a lot lately! He needs to be held like a baby and drink out of a sippy cup like it is a bottle. He loves to pretend to cry and try to fool you into thinking he is really sad and then he just dies laughing!
He has lost my keys yet again. The first time we found them in the trash. This time we have searched the house over and over and I still have not found them. They have been lost since Saturday. No telling where or when they will turn up!
He has learned to jump this week. This was a task he has not been able to do until just this week. He is so excited to know how to jump!! He is jumping all the time. He wants everyone's attention so we can all watch him jump and clap for him. He has learned that you can climb on top of things and jump off and that is even more exciting!! He knows it shouldn't be too tall though. He will jump off the hearth and it is only about 6 inches high!
Please pray for Joshua. We will be going to Shriner's next week where he will be evaluated for his medical condition. He will need corrective measures for his legs and we are still uncertain about continence. We would greatly appreciate your prayers on his behalf. We know that with God all things are possible and complete healing is our prayer. If total healing is not in the plan, then we pray for Joshua to be able to lead as full and normal life as possible and to be an example of Christ for others.
Thanks to all of you who are reading this blog! I have kept updating because I have so many friends that have kept reading and sharing my blog with others. I pray that through our experiences it may spur someone else on to the wonderful journey of adoption, especially the waiting children of China with special needs. I can tell how much our family has meant to Joshua already. He is so happy to be here and we are so happy to have him as part of our family! Adoption is a blessing to both parties!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It was one year ago this week that I found Joshua's beautiful photo on the website of All God's Children. He was one of the children that had been waiting for a home since he was found in August 2004. We adopted him almost 3 years to the day he was found abandoned. This time last year we were frantically praying, reading about his medical condition and checking out our financial situation. Since then we have been home about 3 months and we are so thankful that God has put Joshua in our lives. He has been a tremendous blessing to our entire family. He is a loving and sweet child.
The last couple of weeks he has asked me at two different times (many times each occurrance) if I was his mommy. I would tell him yes and he would ask me again and again each time I would answer him in the affirmative. It sometimes breaks my heart when he asks things like that, but I know he is wondering if this is the real thing or not. I sometimes think he must be wondering how long he will stay with us until the next place. I can tell by his actions though he is so thankful and happy to have a family and a place to call home.
So,this year at the Thanksgiving table we will have an additional child at the table for which we are so thankful to God. Thanksgiving is not just about feasting, but thanking God for all the many blessings big or small that he has given us. This week take time to thank God for the wonderful things he has done in your life.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Update on Joshua
For the last month there have been many new things for Joshua. He met both sets of grandparents, caught his first fish, went to his first birthday party, went to bible class by himself 3 times now, attempted to get his teeth cleaned, trick or treating as spiderman, rode a horse, carved a pumpkin and he has grown 1 inch since September 4th!
His teeth cleaning experience did not go as well as I had hoped, but we did find out that his teeth looked good! No cavities! I think she cleaned about 4 teeth and polished one! Maybe next time he will do better!
He loved trick or treating!! He went as spiderman and had a great time! He woke up the next day and wanted to go again!! He loved to wear his costume.
We measured him on November 1st and he has grown from 35 1/2 inches to 36 inches. He is also beginning to look a little more muscular in his legs and seems to be getting stronger every day. He can now peddle his tricycle.
He loves to go to bible class. He says "my God so big" all the time! He wants to go all the time. He was upset today because he and I stayed home from church. I have been sick and Lawrence was preaching both times so I thought he should stay home with me.
He has also begun to see the first glimpses of the Christmas holidays! He is loving looking in all the stores at the displays. He is not sure what it is all about, but he loves the trees, lights and decorations!
New Words/phrases (this is not an all inclusive list): spider, bath, one, two, three, Paul Cook, pumpkin, cat, truck, drink, cup, basketball, napkin, I love you, coffee, french fries, apple juice, thank you, Spiderman, gum, chips, brush, teeth, shampoo, shower, happy birthday, trick or treat, go to church, Leslie, Stacey, Merr (for Merritt), Merr's mom (Julia), see ya later
Answers two questions: What is your name & How old are you?
I am constantly amazed at the providential hand of God. I don't know why, but I am. I am continually blessed by the love and affection of this young child! It seems as if he has always been a part of our family. I can't believe the amount of love you can have in your heart automatically for a person you have never seen before! Not only that you have never seen them, but they can't even speak your language! God has richly blessed our lives with this little bundle of energy! Every tiem I hear his sweet voice say Mommy, I love you, my heart melts!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Joshua's First Visit to Texas
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
3rd/4th Week home
So, on to Joshua! He did great in church during the meeting. He was really tired during the week, but is learning about how to behave during services. At times it is a challenge to try to keep him busy and quiet in the pew, especially since he doesn't really understand what is going on. He has gotten the concept of bowing your head and putting your hands together to pray. He doesn't stay that way long, but understands what to do.
Last week, we started him on a medication for a parasite he has. I would name it, but it is so long and no one has ever heard of it anyway. He is taking an antibiotic for 20 days to get rid of it. Apparently it comes from drinking contaminated water. This would explain why he was anemic when we had the blood tests run. We also got his hearing and vision tested last week. They were both normal. We also started his immunizations on last Thursday. He got two shots. He will go back in 2 months for 3 more shots. He will have to repeat them all:(. So, this past week was full of appointments and running around.
He is really beginning to pick up words quickly and trying to use them without being prompted. He says diaper, bath, babba at work, babba's car/truck, Dobby (from Harry Potter), (Curious )George, pray, Amen, and definitely tries to repeat anything you say! He is a lot of fun to have around. He keeps us all laughing and extremely busy!
I will try to post again over the weekend! I will also try to put some new photos on here! So many of you have been so good to read about our journey and are curious about how he is doing! I will try to answer some commonly asked questions in our next post!
Have a great end of the week!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Our Second Week Home
He has had fun this week meeting two new friends - Clint and Mason. Clint goes to church with us and lives in our neighborhood and Mason lives across the street. He loves being with other children and seems to play well with them. Communication does not seem to be a barrier for him with other children. Yesterday, he got on Mason's electric Harley and about took out their tree in their front yard. He had no idea how to work the thing!! It was sooo funny!! Those things go really fast!!
He has been to bible class now 3 times. He really likes going. He loves to do every thing everyone else does. He likes to put his sticker on his chart, pick out a song to sing and say the prayer. He gets a little nervous during the lesson and the singing part of class and asks to go to the bathroom. He doesn't really need to go, but just wants out of the situation that he feels uncomfortable in. I can certainly understand how he feels.
Today, he played outside for a long while and he actually peddled his trike for about 3 turns!! He gives up rather quickly because it is hard, but he is really beginning to catch on! He is also going up and down the stairs better. We are trying to make him start up with his right leg since it seems to be the one he has the most difficulty with. This is just an attempt at making his leg stronger. He has to hold our hand going up if he walks instead of crawls. His legs are just not strong enough to go up by himself - yet! He is getting more comfortable going up and down on his own. He seems to understand that he knows he can't do it by himself. He is very careful about it.
New Words this week:
Good Morning, See ya, Clint, Mason, Baba at work, More clearly- Chase, Sissy & William, milk, eggs, America, cheese, ball, Gigs (our dog's name), teeth, shoes, brush teeth, bath, cold, hot, pray, grow, big, God, popcorn, shewwe(for when something stinks - which is quite frequent with 3 boys, a man and a dog in the same house!) - !
New Songs: Jesus loves me, My God is so Big, Read your Bible & Pray every Day
Joshua is all about playing and having fun! He loves to play! He is very loving and sweet. He has gotten so much better about sitting for longer. Today I was able to sit with him and read and entire book to him - Dr. Suess's "The Hair Book". I could not believe it! We haven't even had him a month and he is already able to sit for that long. When we first got him, it was about 5 seconds at the most. Open book/shut book!
Wednesday Joshua managed to confiscate and throw away my keys! I started looking for them when it was time to go to church and had to use the hide-a-key to get there. When we got home we checked the trash can and sure enough they were there!! I am going to have to watch that! He loves to throw things away!
I don't know why I am so amazed at how well he has done. I would suppose it is from my lack of faith. We have prayed about this and so have so many others on our behalf so there is no reason to expect anything but good. He has done so well and we feel so fortunate to have had such a smooth transition.
We got papers in the mail today from Shriners Hospital. He will go there on December 6th for his intial evaluation. We are anxious for that day to get here! We will begin to count down the days! We just want to get him the care he needs as soon as possible and see what we need to do to help him. We are so thankful to Dr. Burch for referring us to them!
So many people have done so many wonderful things to help us! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family of God's people that help us in so many different ways!! I will continue to update the blog about once a week just to keep everyone updated on his progress! I still can't believe how many people have read this thing!!
Since I was a child I can remember always wanting to do something big & grand for God. However, I have come to realize as I have grown up , that being a mother is the biggest and best thing I could do for God. Done right, mothering is the most important job that God has given anyone. Everyone needs a mother and it is the most vital part of shaping a child's life and personality. If mothering is done with the purpose of teaching their children how to glorify and praise God and to be a living sacrifice for Him then what else on earth could be either more important or more grand than that? I cannot think of anything!
Have a great week! Live for Him!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Our first week home - Whew!
When he goes to Shriners, he will see a whole team of doctors who specialize in spina bifida. There will be an orthopedist, urologist, nephritist (sp.- kidney doc.), nuerologist, etc. We will see all these specialists in one day and return home. Hopefully next week we will know when our appointment is. Dr. Burch thought we could get him in in about a month or two, but we will know soon enough. We still have lots of things to do here anyway. He has to have a hearing and vision test and also has to start all over with his immunizations. We got him started on vitamins with iron yesterday. I don’t think he will need them long. Last night I sautéed some broccoli in butter in garlic and he ate a huge amount of that – more than I could eat!!
He will also need some physical and occupational therapy which we will contact the school system for. Since we homeschool, I think they will come to the home for that. I am not sure, but I think he might possibly need some speech therapy some where down the road. He is coming along with his English! He can say: please, thank you, amen, eye, ear, nose mouth, tongue, hair, chin, shoe, mama, baba, gigs, get down, bye bye, milk, yeah (yes), nite-nite, I love you, outside and sit down. He understands much more that this, but is not able to verbalize it yet.
As far as sleeping goes, he has been sleeping in the floor of our bedroom for the last week. We started Thursday putting him in his bed for his naps (which happens to be the only day he has had a nap at home). The rest of his naps happen in the car while taking the other kids to and fro. Today we will purchase bed rails for his bed and maybe begin putting him in his bed at night on Sunday night. He is doing better at going up and down the stairs. He doesn’t even try to walk down them anymore since he realized how fun it is to scoot down!!
He is loving his new toys. We have purchased a trike for outside and a ride on toy for inside. We are looking for a used wooden swing set with a slide. We have also bought him some toys that will help with motors skills and thinking processes. So far we have gotten a Mr. potato Head, the square toy where you have to fit the shapes into the right place, stacking toy, magnetic numbers for the fridge and a see and say farm animal toy. We had some hand me down BIG legos from the boys and he has loved playing with those!! All of these toys have really helped him with using his hands and thinking things through. He has progressed so much in a few weeks. It is amazing to watch!!
Update on Joshua with the dog: They love each other – most of the time. Gigs will let Joshua pet and kiss her. She will let him throw her toys for her to fetch. She will even roll over on her back for him to rub her stomach! The only time they don’t get along is when he has something like a broom in his hand – just let your imagination run wild and you can picture it! He especially likes to zip her up in her kennel! He locked me out of the house a few days ago when I was letting her back in! Everyone was asleep and I had to walk around the house on the crunchy, pokey grass barefooted to hopefully find another door unlocked!! Needless to say I did get in the house and I was really glad I was not in my pajamas!!
Lawrence is finally over his jetlag. He was really sick all week, but is better now. The rest of us have felt good for about 4 days now.
Thanks so much for your prayers on his behalf and ours! Things are going much more smoothly than we had anticipated and I know that is because so many people have been praying for us and our transition! We love you all and appreciate all the many kindnesses shown to us over the past week!
Love, The Kelley Family
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Home and the first 3 days!
Joshua opening a present of a handmade blanket and a tooth fairy pillow from Joann and Bud Albers.
Chase and Olivia touching some wall in the Forbidden City. It is said in China that if you touch this wall it means marriage in your future! William did not think he wanted to touch it. He is not really interested in marriage!! - YET!
Sorry I havn't posted in the last few days, but with jetlag, unpacking and catching up it has been too much.
Thursday morning we took the subway to "The Forbidden City" and Tienam Square. Went back to the hotel and packed up to go to the airport. We had to take two taxis!! We made it fine and the taxis stayed together - believe it or not.
Our trip home was uneventful. We left Beijing at 3:45 in the afternoon and got to Newark at 5:20 the same afternoon!! Is that weird or what? It was a 13 1/2 hour flight in which Joshua slept about 9 hours of that! Benadryl helped a little!! It did not work for the rest of us though! We got to Newark rechecked our luggage and made it to the next gate with about 1o minutes to spare! Enough time for Lawrence to go and purchase two small pizzas and one large drink for all of us to share and guzzle down quickly before boarding our next plane! Our flight to Nashville was a little late leaving (about 40 minutes), but we still arrived in Nashvill at 9:10 p.m. on shedule. We collected our luggage called the hotel to come and retreive us and we got in our car about 10:30 p.m. Thursday night. We were all starving and we got some fast food and started home. Joshua did not mind getting into the car seat at all! He adjusts to everything so easily.
We got home around 11:30 p.m and were welcomed by balloons, cards, gifts and most importantly food!! We were blessed to have several families purchase milk, bread lunch meat, drinks and snacks for us and some other families bring us casseroles ready to bake!! They have been really helpful to us as we have struggled with jetlag the last few days! We went to bed about 1:30 am on Friday morning. I got up around 10 and everyone else got up around 12 or 1 p.m. Lawrence went to the office, I ran some errands which included adding Joshua to our medical insurance and buying him a tricycle. That night we all went to bed around 10 p.m. Some of us slept well (Joshua - 15 hours and Chase - 10 hours) the rest of us had a hard night.
Satuday night again - Joshua and Chase slept well and the rest of us did not!
Today - Sunday- was great to be with our family in Christ! Joshua did really well in bible class. I stayed with him and he wanted to do everyting everyone else did. Lawrence preached a lesson on the spirit of adoption and we came home ate lunch and took a 2 hour nap!!
When we first got home Joshua was terrified of the dog! We have made great strides in the past 3 days! Yesterday he saw me throwing the dogs toy and Gigs bringing it back and he decided he wanted to throw it to her. He still did not want her to touch him, but he did want to play with her.
Today he is petting her and playing with her a lot. He is still a little afraid of her but is adjusting quickly!!
Tuesday we will take him to the pediatrician. We will hopefully get a referral to an orthopedist (Doc. John) and hopefully go to Shriners soon to have him evaluated. He is a clumsy walker and has a hard time going up and down the stairs. We are teaching him to crawl up and scoot down. He is sleeping in our room at night. He starts out on the floor and ends up in our bed by around 2-3 a.m. We will eventually get him in his room, but need to make sure he is comfortable with his surroundings and can get up and down the stairs easily.
Thanks for all of your comments. We have enjoyed going over them and reading them! Joshua will be glad to read them as he gets older!! He will be glad to know he has such a wonderful family - both spiritual and physical - and that they were all praying for him and waiting for his coming to the US!
As our plane landed in Newark, NJ, I was struck by the fact that he was now a US citizen and the freedoms that will bring in his life that he otherwise would never know. However, I am more grateful and struck by the fact of the freedoms he will have in a relationship with Christ that otherwise he may not have ever known. We rejoice in his coming into our family and are so appreciative of everyone accepting him so joyously!! Praise God for his mercy, compassion and goodness.
We love you all and thank you for your support throughout this journey! We will still be updating photos and stuff about Joshua's medical progress periodically so keep checking!!
Take care! Love, All 6 Kelley's
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Although greatly disappointed about not seeing the Great Wall, that was not our purpose of this trip. We have done what we came to do and anything else is just like icing on the cake! We are coming back with the biggest treasure there is! We are all so ready to be home and cannot wait until we touchdown on US soil!
We are going to go to bed early tonight and rest up for our long trip home. I think it should be about 20 hours total. Last time it was about 26 hours. This time we don't have a 5 hour layover and that helps a lot! This is definitely our last post until we arrive home. We look forward to seeing you all. Hopefully jet lag won't be too bad! Can't wait to see everyone! Have a great day!
The Kelley's - Lawrence, Janice, Chase, Olivia, William & Joshua
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Last Day In Guangzhou!
Photos of our kids in front of this large sailboat made of Jade at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou.
Joshua and William having a little "brother time".
Joshua and Josiah on the red couch.
Joshua in his outfit for the oath ceremony.
The jade sailboat at the White Swan.
Joshua and me on the red couch!
Tomorrow morning we leave for Beijing very early. We arrive in Beijing at 11:30 a.m. and hopefully will get to go and see the Great Wall in the afternoon after we check into our hotel. We will be there one night and return home the next afternoon. We are soooo looking forward to coming home.
We had a great day today. The four families in our group went and had the "red couch" photo made today at the White Swan hotel. This is a tradition for adoptive families. We also went to the swearing ceremony today where we had to swear that all information we have given is true and accurate and that we will never leave or abandon this child. That was an honor and pleasure to swear to.
When we touch ground in the US Joshua will become a US citizen. I thought it was today, but it will be Thursday, August 30th! We are so excited and can't wait for that moment. We will fly past the statue of Liberty and then land in Newark NJ and fly home to Nashville about two hours later. We cannot wait! We are all already putting requests for our favorite food items. I personally am so excited to go and use my massage gift card which Lawrence gave me for Valentines Day! I am glad I waited!!
We are also anxious to check on all of our pets! We have adjusted to having four children already! We already love it! Olivia and I are already hoping to come back and rescue a little girl! And yes, rescue is the right word! Every child deserves to have a home and a family that loves them. I felt like this would be the same as delivering a child in that you soon forget about all the pain and trouble of being pregnant and just think about the wonderful blessing of a child. I hope that anyone considering adoption will know and understand that this is an incredible gift from God for both parties. Love abounds in all of our hearts for our new son who is already bringing so much joy to our hearts.
This could be our last post until we get home. I am not sure what kind of internet options we will have at the hotel in Beijing, but if this is our last post we will see you in the US - God willing!
We look forward to seeing you on US Soil!! Two more nights in China than my own bed!
May God bless you all richly with His love and mercy. We love you all and have learned much while we have been gone. We are truly blessed beyond measure and most Americans have no idea how much! May the God of peace be with you.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Middle Name
Joshua Paul Huasuo Kelley
His middle name is taken from Lawrence's middle name Paul.
Let me also tell you all a little more about his personality. He is very active!! He is always trying to get into something he shouldn't. He hides things in his pockets. Anything from food to toys to pieces of paper. He gets very attached to anything you give him. So far he has been attached to a jar of peanut butter, a package of Ramen type noodles, a box of saltines, a bottle of orange juice and a can of pringles potato chips. He has to carry these items (one at a time luckily) where ever we go!! He loves to play anytime!! He loves to laugh and has the sweetest sounding giggle ever! He loves to ride in the stroller and the taxi. He has started to give us all really good hugs.about 3 days after we got him. Before he would just kind of lay on you and feel like a blob! He will give kisses when you ask or just out of the blue now. We have already had to discipline him several times due to direct defiance. It really hurts his feelings and then he gets mad at you and won't look at you, but will make up with you in a couple of minutes. He is a very loving child. He loves to be held. He loves to go all the time. He will fit in really well with our family! God knows what he is doing!
Well, better go eat breakfast! Have a great day!
Love, Janice
Sunday in Guangzhou
Photo in front of the hotel with Zack's mom and dad and Aunt and Uncle.
Sorry about the side view of this photo, but I could not figure out how to turn it on the blog. It is of Shouwa and Joshua. Shouwa is Zack's father.
Me and Olivia posing with some silly statues.
Shadow, Durell's friend eating lunch with us and Zack's family.
Zack's mom, Penwin and dad Shouwa. Joshua loves Shouwa.
Joshua's first airplane ride from Changchun to Guangzhou.
More photos of Dinner.
Ok - Today was Great!! We started out going to a great Western/Chinese breakfast buffet at the Hotel. Then Lawrence met with Shadow for the Chinese church @ 9:30. Shadow took the Subway 2 hours one way to come and be with us. Then we met with the Chinese/English church service at 11:00. It was very interesting to say the least! Then we got back to the Hotel and Zack's family was there. His mom and dad and Aunt and Uncle. They are all such lovely people. His mom and dad took us to a traditional Chinese restaurant and we were well fed. We had a whole room to ourself. We ate shrimp - they are served whole - head and all! We ate chicken - also served whole - head and all!! You should have seen Joshua's face when he saw the chicken head! It was hilarious!! We had mooncake, jellyfish, almonds, broccoli, flounder (also whole), rice noodles, wheat noodles, two kinds of pork, chinese dumplings, tofu(bean curd) and some kind of boiled salad. Everything I tried was good. Then we walked all around Shamin Island and did some shopping with his family! It was good, but they informed us that all the shops around here charge too much!! Then, they wanted to take us to dinner. So, we went to McDonald's for dinner. We had a great time. Zack's Uncle H.L. works in Hong Kong and speaks very good English and he was able to translate for us very well. We had a wonderful day.
We wanted to spend more alone time with Shadow, but did not have opportunity for that today. Possibly tomorrow or the next day we will have more time. She has lots of questions. She is an English teacher and speaks English very well! She went to lunch with us, but had to return home soon after lunch.
Now it is evening and we are going to have our own worship service here in the room before we go to bed. Just wanted to give you all a quick update! Tomorrow we find out about all of our paperwork. If we don't get a phone call between 10:30 a.m. and noon then all paperwork is done and complete. We had a wonderful day spending it with friends. Zack's family rode the train all night 10 hours to come and see us today! How special we feel that they would make such a sacrifice to come and visit with us!! God is so good to us in so many ways!
We leave here on Wednesday and go to Beijing and then Thursday - HOME!! YEAH!! I hope you all have a great week. We love you all and can't wait to see everyone soon!
Love, Janice
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Guangzhou - Yeah!!
Joshua slept until 8:00 am.! WE could not believe it! He had only gotten about a 45 minute nap that day. We had to leave this morning and go to the medical exam at 9:00 a.m. Then at 10:30, we filled out all the paperwork for the American Consulate. WE went to eat lunch at a restaurant called Lucy's. It was pretty close to American food! They did french fries really well. Joshua ate an entire basket and he loved the ketchup with them. He is a big eater. After lunch Olivia and I went shopping. We bought Joshua two traditional Chinese outfits. One was black with red and the other was red with black. One was short sleeve and one was long sleeve. We tried them on him and he did not want to take them off!! We will take photos tomorrow and post them. He looks so cute in them! They are only about $10!! We also bought some souveniors for friends and family. We had noodles in the room for dinner! We can eat those for about $3.00 for the whole family!! We may never have noodles again after we leave China!!
This hotel is called the Victory Hotel. It is very nice. We have two double beds and two kids on the floor with air matresses. We now make Joshua sleep on the floor because he is constantly falling off the bed all night! He is a violent sleeper! One night he fell off the bed at least 10 times! The beds at this hotel are soft! It was so pleasant to be able to sleep in a comfortable bed. Most families stay at the White Swan, but everyone in our group (4 families) did not want to spend that much money on Hotel!
Tomorrow morning we will go to church with a friend of Durell's. After church Zack's mom and dad will meet us at the hotel and maybe eat lunch with us. They are taking an all night train trip to be able to come and see us while we are here. Zack's mother's sister lives here in Guangzhou. We are happy to be able to see them again. I can't believe they will go to so much trouble to see us while we are here, but we look forward to spending some time with them. Hopefully we will have lunch with them and with Durell's friend.
I will try to post some photos tomorrow We did not take that many today! I hope you all are doing well! We look forward to coming home!! THanks fo all of your comments on our blog! Most of all thank you for your prayers and support. We look forward to coming home to Bowling Green and worshipping with our spiritual family. Praise be to God for His people everywhere who shine their lights where they are and do what they can to be an example for others!
Love, Janice
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday in Changchun - Our Last Day here!
We just got through bowling - yes again!! I have really improved and so has everyone else!! I bowled a 140! Olivia was 41, William 39, Chase 95 and Dad 168. We played some games in the room and finally found a show on HBO we could watch (some spongebob movie).
In case you have been watching the news and seeing the airline crashes in China - we were not on either of those planes. However we will be flying Air China again this next week when we go back to Beijing before coming home. Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 6:00 a.m and fly to Guangzhou. We should arrive there around 2:00 p.m. We should get Joshua's passport today. That is what we have been waiting on here in Changchun.
Saturday, Joshua will get a basic physical from a doctor. It is called his polyclinic appointment. Sunday is a day of rest. Monday we have our US Embassy and immigrant Visa Exit Interview. Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. we have an Oath Ceremony where he becomes a US Citizen and gets his Visa. Wednesday we fly to Beijing. We get there about 11:30 a.m. and hope to see the Great Wall Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning we will walk to the Forbidden City and Tienamen Square from the Hotel and leave for home that afternoon at 3:45. We will be home next Thursday -one week from today. Our plane lands around 9:00 p.m. and we hope to be home around 11:00 p.m. that night. Hopefully we will be able to sleep! It seems like it would only be a short plane ride, but you have to remember there is a 13 hour time difference. So it will feel like 4:45 a.m. when we arrive home!!
I don't have any photos today. We have just been lazy!! We will walk down to Wal Mart later and stock up before we go to the next city!! It has been really nice to have one here! The banana bread and Oreos were a real hit in the room! We also had Ramen type noodles everyday for lunch! We will eat dinner at KFC tonight. Our entire family can eat at KFC for about 15$ and McDonalds for about $10. Pizza Hut is a little more expensive about $20, but well worth it!! We have been very fortunate to stay in this hotel. It was really nice. This room has two rooms a bedroom and a living area and a bath and a half. It was extremely cheap for such a nice hotel - only about $74 a night. The only problem we have had is that the beds were extremely hard. It will be so nice to be able to sleep in a nice soft bed!!
I have figured out how to read comments in English! Thanks for all the comments! They are very encouraging to us! I hope we will have internet access at our next hotel so we can check email and post some more.
Our guide just stopped by and gave us Joshua's passport! Yeah!! On to Guangzhou tomorrow!
Thanks for your constant prayers. I can really tell that there are many prayers being offered on our behalf. Joshua has been doing really well and adjusting great! He has been a joy and a blessing to us already!
As I have walked the streets of this extremely populated city, I can see the sadness in so many faces of the people here. I know it is from the absence of God in the lives of so many here. It is really kind of eerie not to see any signs of religion anywhere here. We don't realize how fortuate we are to live in a free country! Praise God!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Nanhu Park
The Bike we rented
Entrance to Nanhu Park
Joshua on Dad's shoulders
A little ham with a bowl on his head!
We had a great day yesterday - 8/21/2007. We got up in the early morning hours (6:00 a.m. to be exact) and realized that the day was going to be beautiful. A cool front came through and there was sunshine all day. All the smog and pollution was blown away and there was a nice cool breeze. We ate breakfast, talked on Skype for a while and took a taxi to Nanhu Park.
Nanhu Park is where Joshua was abandoned on 8/24/04. He was 5 months old at the time. The park is really a neat place. It is about 300 acres and has gardens, carnival type rides, boat rentals, food to purchase and bike rentals. We rented a 6 person bike. It had two bench seats and three people sit on each bench. Four people peddle while the other two (me and Joshua) get to ride. We rented it for about an hour and had a great time. We walked around the park for a while and took photos of where we thought she might have left him. All the paperwork said was the southwest corner of the park so we just took photos of the park for him. It was really a very sad time. As we walked through the parkI realized that it was almost exactly 3 years to the day when he was abandoned. I wondered as we walked if his mother ever comes back to the park and what she must have been thinking when she left her baby at this extremely busy place. I wondered if she hid behind some bushes as Miriam did when Moses was left to make sure he was found. Whatever the case, she left him somewhere that she new he would be found. I believe with all my heart that she wanted to give him more than she could.
We got back to the hotel and ate noodles for lunch in the room. While Joshua napped, Chase, William & Lawrence went to bowl (yes again)! We played some games in the room and went to dinner at McDonalds. After dinner we went to Wal Mart again!! This time we found some oreos and bannana bread! The banana bread was baked in the bakery and was only $.50! We will go back tonight for more of that! It is great for breakfast.
Site of the Day:
As we walked to McDonalds we saw a man begging on the sidewalk. He had no hands and no feet. They were just like limbs that ended abrubtly and I can't see anyway that the man could walk. It was so sad! I could hardly eat my meal without feeling terrible!
Miscellaneous thoughts:
1. Anyone want to lose weight - come to China and adopt a baby!! I think I have lost 10 pounds already!!
- As I type this the boys are teaching Joshua to play baseball with an empty one liter bottle and an inflatable ball.
- In case you have left comments on here, I can't read them! I am sorry! I am hoping to try to correct the problem, but it won't bring up my blog and when it does it comes up in Chinese!! Keep commenting though! I hope to read them when I correct the problem!
- Thanks to all of you who have visited with us on Skype! That has been great!
- Thanks for your prayers! We only have one more day here and on to Guangzhou on Friday!
- Joshua is a pack rat! He puts all of his things in Wal Mart bags or any kind of bag he can find and carries it with him everywhere.
- He loves his jar of peanut butter and he says it sooo cute. I wish you could all hear him.
Love, The Kelley Family
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday and Monday in Changchun - 8/19 & 8/20
Lawrence talking with David (the English teacher) at the Park.
Chase and William playing basketball with Chinese boys at the Park