For the last month there have been many new things for Joshua. He met both sets of grandparents, caught his first fish, went to his first birthday party, went to bible class by himself 3 times now, attempted to get his teeth cleaned, trick or treating as spiderman, rode a horse, carved a pumpkin and he has grown 1 inch since September 4th!
His teeth cleaning experience did not go as well as I had hoped, but we did find out that his teeth looked good! No cavities! I think she cleaned about 4 teeth and polished one! Maybe next time he will do better!
He loved trick or treating!! He went as spiderman and had a great time! He woke up the next day and wanted to go again!! He loved to wear his costume.
We measured him on November 1st and he has grown from 35 1/2 inches to 36 inches. He is also beginning to look a little more muscular in his legs and seems to be getting stronger every day. He can now peddle his tricycle.
He loves to go to bible class. He says "my God so big" all the time! He wants to go all the time. He was upset today because he and I stayed home from church. I have been sick and Lawrence was preaching both times so I thought he should stay home with me.
He has also begun to see the first glimpses of the Christmas holidays! He is loving looking in all the stores at the displays. He is not sure what it is all about, but he loves the trees, lights and decorations!
New Words/phrases (this is not an all inclusive list): spider, bath, one, two, three, Paul Cook, pumpkin, cat, truck, drink, cup, basketball, napkin, I love you, coffee, french fries, apple juice, thank you, Spiderman, gum, chips, brush, teeth, shampoo, shower, happy birthday, trick or treat, go to church, Leslie, Stacey, Merr (for Merritt), Merr's mom (Julia), see ya later
Answers two questions: What is your name & How old are you?
I am constantly amazed at the providential hand of God. I don't know why, but I am. I am continually blessed by the love and affection of this young child! It seems as if he has always been a part of our family. I can't believe the amount of love you can have in your heart automatically for a person you have never seen before! Not only that you have never seen them, but they can't even speak your language! God has richly blessed our lives with this little bundle of energy! Every tiem I hear his sweet voice say Mommy, I love you, my heart melts!
Hey Janice, this is Jamie and Trey Keller. Lauren Keller told me about this sight and I have keeping up with your journey since the beginning.
I thought I had to have an account to post a comment, but I just figured out I didn't.
I love reading the updates and looking at the pictures. Joshua is a beautiful little boy and I am so happy the adoption went so smoothly. Hopefully we can come up and visit Lost River soon and meet Mr Joshua. Take care, Jamie and Trey Keller
We missed you Sunday! I hope you're feeling better! Soo glad things are still going so wonderfully - Joshua is just so precious!
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