I have been very negligent in posting about Joshua and his fun times over the past 3 months! We have been caught up in basketball. Chase and William both played on our homeschool basketball team this year and it really takes a lot of time. So, now that basketball is over . . .
Joshua is doing great! Since Thanksgiving he has been to Shriner's Hospital to get his braces for his feet and lower legs. He doesn't mind having them at all. He can actually get around better without them, but has improved walking with them quite a bit. We go back to Shriner's next Monday to see the Neurologist and the Urologist. We are hoping to get some answers about some issues he is having.
He loved Christmas!! He wanted a police car. He got 3! A big one - cozy coupe type you actually sit in, medium size and a little bigger than hot wheel size. He was extremely happy. His brothers got him a police uniform to go with it. He had a great day!
His language skills are really coming along. He is asking questions a lot!! "Mommy, where are oooo?" "Yogurt, where are oooo? (as he is looking in the fridge). "What dis?"(about everything) and then he repeats everything you say over and over and over!! The other morning he came and got in bed with Lawrence & I and he had the biggest smile on his face (which is actually every morning:)) and he said, "What ooo doin mommy?" He is the most loving and sweet child!
My parents sent him $5 for Valentines Day and he was so excited he said he wanted to buy cowboy boots. So, he got cowboy boots last week end and he has slept in them several nights and wants to wear them all the time. He loves to go with Baba (dad) to feed the "moos."
Joshua has a birthday this month. He will be 4 years old on March 24th. He made his birthday list the other day of who he wants to invite to his birthday and at the top of the list is one of the elders at our church - Paul Cook. He loves people and has certain people he loves to see when he goes to church. Paul is one of those. Most of these people are adults that he loves to see. He makes his rounds every time we go to church. If he doesn't see one of these people there he asks about them several times on the way home.
Joshua is already learning letters of the alphabet. We have officially taught him 3 letters and he looks for them everywhere he goes and in books he reads and on peoples shirts or just anywhere. He loves to learn and is very curious. He is also beginning to put puzzles together. He can count to about 8 and soon will be up to 10. He is learning his colors as well.
We are having so much fun with him! He has been a great blessing to our lives!